Scheinfeld - Germany
skype: "jantrace"

TraceMusic Cloud (TMC)

music in passion

Info about the Cloud

Our Cloud Service is used by a open source system calls Seafile, thats a Software to build up an Cloud Drive like Dropbox, Google/Apple Cloud or similar… We’ve to install this software to our own server, never people have access to our Server, only people like invited the Cloud Link by TraceMusic CEO. So you and your files are safe in our system, because they are managed only by us. 

The TMC is used to transfer mixdown demos, productions between the musicans in our team. That´s not for public use and anyone. It´s a easy way to bring your demos to the final place 😉 All registrations from extern users are blocked, only users where we have talked about the own cloud will be activated after here registration.

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